
  • Transformable Furniture From Yuya Ushida

    Designer Yuya Ushida has developed ‘XXXX_’ a transformable furniture system made of a series of contracting and expanding sub-parts. When manipulated, the furniture transforms as needed. Its amorphous natural shape reconfiguring to produce sofas, stools, tables and benches, which are just a few of the pieces that can be created from the eight different elements…

  • Popcorn Furniture!

    I mean seriously! How do they come up with this stuff!? In this sneak preview of a popcorn furniture design concept – originally slated to first appear in a grand unveiling at the Milan Design Week festival next week – we may be witnessing the kind of innovative design that will shape the future of…

  • Space Saving Furniture Ideas

    Space Saving Furniture Ideas

    From bunk beds to futons, space saving furniture has long been a  sought after commodity by those looking to maximize the utility of their living space. Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. Whether it was in your college dorm room, your first apartment in the city, or your small childhood bedroom shared with four…